Sunday, 17 May 2009

Google Your Family Tree

I was having a look at Roots Television the other day and watched an interview between Dan Eastman and an author called Dan Lynch.

Dan Lynch has written a book called Google Your Family Tree and from the 10 minute interview I learnt at least 2 things I didn't know about how to do searches on Google. If you want to exclude something from a search just put a minus sign in front of it and if you want to definitely include something in a search just put a plus sign in front of it. How simple is that???

So I then had a look at the website related to the book and that has useful things on it too. Did you know that if you put an asterisk in a search that it acts like a wildcard? So searching for "daniel * guthrie" will give back results such as Daniel James Guthrie or Daniel J. Guthrie.

I'd love to order the book but it doesn't look like it's on sale in the uk so I'm thinking about whether or not to order it from the States.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that interesting? Good to learn something new - thanks. I am officially Google-hopeless so this would be useful. I wonder if contacting google uk about UK publication would be any good - after all, it's their product he's writing about.
